
ハニー化成株式会社 会社案内

Message from the President
Company Profile

The Science of Air and Water

The above phrase represents the management philosophy of Honny Chemicals Co., Ltd. Japan, a country of scarce resources, has only one path to develop and generate wealth, and that is effective technological development. Since the founding of Honny Chemicals, this consistent belief has underpinned our development philosophy.


Committed to the Manufacture of Quality Products

Honny Chemicals acquired certification of ISO 9001 registration in 2000 as part of our dedication to improving product quality and protecting the environment. In 2012, we obtained certification of ISO 14001 registration for our Akashi Office(factory & laboratory). Using our advanced manufacturing facilities and production technologies, we are developing high- quality products under an integrated system that incorporates effective production monitoring, control, and management systems.

ハニー化成株式会社 製品紹介